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Welcome to resetbook.com. Quite simply, this is a website wholly dedicated to RESET. Reset what? Resetting the Republic of, the United States of America.
Perhaps this concept seems strange to you or if not, then maybe it is not even possible? This is, the purpose of this website - to cover the material to allow you the viewer/user to make up your own mind. Then, IF and once you've made your decision to RESET, to show each of us what's in it for you and I, why we should RESET and HOW we can do this, in about a year's time.
This is NOT a Whizz-bang website with all the latest whistles and bells. It's made the old fashioned way, by hand and as best as could be done with limited resources and technical knowledge. It most likely is not, mobile friendly and from time to time, uses scripts and forms and images and perhaps flash animation, that many browsers now block.
If the concept of RESET is unknown to you, most likely, so is the book, 'RESET "An Un-alien's Guide to Resetting Our Republic," and the author too. The author is, virtually unknown. I am the author. I am not an expert on history, law, politics or religion, you know, those four dreaded subjects people want to avoid, as they tend to set up confrontations and lead to arguments and people walking away from one another. Sometimes, they walk away for some time and sometimes, forever. But here is promise #1. Under the context of RESET, I have seen the same four subjects, actually bring people together! If you think about that for a moment, isn't unity or being united, what the United States of America is all about? YES!
Getting back to this website, the RESET book and myself as the author, all, being virtually unknown, why exactly is this so? It is not for lack of trying to get an agent and a publisher to take care of the marketing and publicity, sales and distribution and all the rest that go into books and book publishing. And without going 'all negative' on agents and publishers, it is understood that theirs' is a business and they are in it to make a profit. It takes a lot of money to make money, even from the work of an established, successful and well-known author. I am not. No agent and no publisher? My writing must not be good or good enough to risk much in order to get a good return on their investment? You will just have to read it for yourself and answer this question for yourself. Maybe it's the content? Maybe it is all speculation, just my opinion or worse, another conspiracy theory?
I will conclude this 'About' page with a few things about myself and promise #2. I have been writing something, my entire life and always with the idea of writing fiction - feel good stuff; inspirational stuff; made-up stuff. I never in my wildest dreams ever thought about non-fiction. I was trained in the principles of research. I have been an investigative reporter. I know how to find information! RESET started out as something I wanted answers for, for myself. As I learned, I shared. As I shared, many people said three things:
I still cannot answer the first two questions, after several years of researching the subject, but I did write a book and I am working on a follow-up. It was self-published and self-marketed. I am its chief-cook-and-bottle-washer. It's out there on Facebook, Twitter, blogs and available to purchase from such book stores and distributors as Barnes & Noble and Amazon. It has been many places in this country and in the world. It is available in digital format for many e-readers like Apple iBooks, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble's 'Nook' and Amazon's 'Kindle,' among others. One can even find used signed copies available. I have unsuccessfully tried crowd funding. I've tried my best to, 'get the word out'! It is not about the money! I have given away or tried to give away more than I've ever sold, especially to those famous or those whose spheres of influence could 'get the word out' to millions and often, without the courtesy of a thank you or even a no-thank you. I often don't even know if people think I am insane, they just don't care or the content is a threat to them. I am not bitter! I just want to get this information to as many people as possible. I care and I believe, YOU have the right to know!
Now, here is my second promise. All the information I researched is, ALL FROM PUBLIC SOURCES! I did not make it up. It is NOT my opinion! It is NOT a conspiracy or a conspiracy theory! These things did happen! I do not know why they happened, whether they were intentional or not, but they happened! Simply stated, if Our Republic was un-set, then WE the People, can RESET Our Republic!!!
If a smart rich man and an uneducated poor man (like myself) both have gold in their pockets to share, does the stature of the man matter most or the content of their pockets? There's gold inside here!
Why Lincoln
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