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   Have you ever seen or participated in what the images above represent? They are representative of taking an oath or an affirmation. The Latin word forms what is known today as the word, 'jurisdiction' and means to "speak an oath."

  The history of swearing an oath goes back to ancient times and continues to feudal times and is still taking place all over the world today. To show your loyalty (servitude) and for often the privilege to just exist, people would kneel at the feet of a god, an emperor, a royal and even a landlord and swear an oath.
   In this country, prior to a certain time in Our history, the only people required to take an oath were those that work for the government, the military (and police), and any immigrant not born here that takes the path to citizenship, BUT NEVER EVER, WE THE PEOPLE!!! Confusion through the centuries has not come from people refusing to swear or affirm an oath, but from governments that compel the taking of oaths. But here in the United States, these oaths were not supposed to be taken before a royal or any person, but to a thing, The Constitution.
      Today -

This is called a tacit (implied, but non-spoken) oath


RESET "An UN-alien's Guide to Resetting Our Republic"


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