Why Lincoln
The Book
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Have You Ever?
Have you ever felt like that there was something wrong, very wrong in this country? I have and many do feel this way. So being from the 'Show Me' state of Missouri, I set out several years ago (now over 5) to see IF I could find what 'it' is. 'It' was found along with, to my surprise, the ONLY solution to HOW WE the People can correct it!
It began as just my own personal search for answers. As much was learned it was shared with a few friends, colleagues, all persons whose opinions I valued and on one of my blogs in a series of posts. Many people wondered WHY they were never taught this in school? So did I! Many wondered WHY no one else seemed to pick up on this information? So did I! Many said basically the same thing - "Why don't you write a book?" So I did.
From these questions and suggestions, RESET was written. This work will endeavor to show what has long been concealed and to have it revealed to US, WE the People. WE the People need to detect 'it' in order that WE the People can correct 'it.'
RESET "An UN-alien's Guide to Resetting OUR Republic”This may read like fiction, but -
"Truth is often stranger than fiction." - Mark Twain -click the book to continue
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